ትክክለኛ ሰዎች፣ ትክክለኛ ታሪኮች!

InternationalCupid ላይ ፍቅርን ፈልገው ያገኙ አባላት

አሁን ይቀላቀሉ!
በማሳየት ላይ 1 - 6 ከ 74

ከዚህ በፊት ፍጹም ፍቅር ይይዘኛል ብዬ አላስብም ነበር

ወደ InternationalCupid የተቀላቀልኩት እውነተኛ ፍቅር አገኛለሁ በሚል ተስፋ ነበር። ከ&... ወደ InternationalCupid የተቀላቀልኩት እውነተኛ ፍቅር አገኛለሁ በሚል ተስፋ ነበር። ከብዙ ሙከራዎች በኋላ በሰኔ ወር ከዚህች ኮሎምቢያዊት ቆንጆ ሴት ጋር ማውራት ጀመርኩ። መነጋገር ከጀመርንበት ቅጽበት ጀምሮ ግንኙነታችንን ከማጥበቃችንም በተጨማሪ ስለ ብዙ የሚያመሳስሉንና የሚያለያዩን ነገሮች መነጋገር ጀመርን። ከስምንት ወራት በኋላ ለ8 ቀናት ሽርሽር በካንቹን፣ ሜክሲኮ በአካል ተገናኘን። በፍጹም ከሷ ጋር በፍቅር እወድቃለሁ የሚል ሀሳብ ያልነበረኝ ቢሆንም አሁን ግን ስለ አብሮነት ህይወታችን እያቀድን ነው።

እውነተኛ ፍቅሬን አግኝቻለሁ!

በInternationalCupid ላይ ላላችሁ ለሁላችሁም ሰላምታዬ ይድረሳችሁ! እዚህ በInternationalCupid ላይ እ&... በInternationalCupid ላይ ላላችሁ ለሁላችሁም ሰላምታዬ ይድረሳችሁ! እዚህ በInternationalCupid ላይ እውነተኛ ፍቅሬን አግኝቻለሁ ብዬ ስነግራችሁ በጣም ደስ እያለኝ ነው። ስለ እነዚህ ምትሀታዊ ቅጽበቶች ላካፍላችሁ እና ጥረታችሁን እንዳታቋርጡና እምነት እንዲኖራችሁ ልነግራችሁ እፈልጋለሁ። በገጹ ላይ እውነተኛ ፍቅራችሁን ማግኘት ትችላላችሁ! ለሁላችሁም መልካም እድል፣ መተቃቀፍና መሳሳም እመኝላችኋለሁ!

Instant Connection: From Online Chats to Endless Happiness

We met online in 2023 and instantly connected. After just one day of talking to him, I stopped chatting with all other guys. He had been on the app for five years, and I had only been on for two days when we met. From the very beginning, we were completely honest with each other about who we were an... We met online in 2023 and instantly connected. After just one day of talking to him, I stopped chatting with all other guys. He had been on the app for five years, and I had only been on for two days when we met. From the very beginning, we were completely honest with each other about who we were and what we wanted in a partner and a future together. Since then, we’ve been incredibly happy. We haven’t gone a single day without speaking to each other. Now that we’re finally in the same country and can be close, it’s been nothing short of magical and fun. The key to our happiness has been staying true to ourselves and what we wanted—no games, lies, or deceit—just love, joy, and savoring each day as it comes.

I have finally met my love!

After years of searching for the right partner, I met my love on InernationalCupid. Today, we are living together in joy and peace, blessed by God. I also take this opportunity to pray for those who are seeking a life partner. May God guide them to the right spouse, in Jesus' name. Amen. After years of searching for the right partner, I met my love on InernationalCupid. Today, we are living together in joy and peace, blessed by God. I also take this opportunity to pray for those who are seeking a life partner. May God guide them to the right spouse, in Jesus' name. Amen.

I’ve found my partner, and I’m so grateful for making it possible.

I joined InternationalCupid to find a life partner, and I’m so grateful to the platform for making it possible. I’ve met an amazing guy—handsome, smart, funny, romantic, and everything I’m looking for to build a future together. A big thank you to InternationalCupid for conne... I joined InternationalCupid to find a life partner, and I’m so grateful to the platform for making it possible. I’ve met an amazing guy—handsome, smart, funny, romantic, and everything I’m looking for to build a future together. A big thank you to InternationalCupid for connecting us, and to all the members for their support and kindness. Everyone’s been great, but it’s the one I chose who truly fits me, and we’re so compatible!

I met an incredible, genuine person. We connected online and eventually met face-to-face.

"It's real—don't lose hope! I spent a long time on InternationalCupid without finding the right match. Then, out of the blue, I met an incredible, genuine person. We connected online and eventually met face-to-face. Since then, we’ve traveled together and are eag... "It's real—don't lose hope! I spent a long time on InternationalCupid without finding the right match. Then, out of the blue, I met an incredible, genuine person. We connected online and eventually met face-to-face. Since then, we’ve traveled together and are eagerly planning our next adventure. The best part? I found my true love here, and I truly feel that God is blessing our future plans. Thank you!