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46 Bad Freienwalde, Brandenburg, Deutschland
Suche: Weiblich 18 - 29
Hello! .I'm not married. I have no children.and a passionate adventurer I am arabick man heart. I love testing my limits, whether it's climbing in the Alps or surfing on the Atlantic coast. But don't worry, I also enjoy the quiet moments - a good book, an intense conversation over a glass of wine, or experimenting in the is legendary!). I believe in real connections and in sharing life with all its ups and downs. You won't find any cheesy sayings on my profile, because authenticity is more important to me than perfection. I'm looking for a partner who wants to laugh with me and discover the world. A woman who knows how to appreciate both the little things in everyday life and the big dreams. You should have a penchant for spontaneous trips, deep conversations under the stars, and the joy of creative expression. If you feel just as comfortable in a room full of strangers as you do in the silence of nature, we could be the perfect team. My friends describe me as loyal, compassionate and blessed with a slightly dry sense of humor. I firmly believe that honesty and respect are the cornerstones of any relationship and that the best foundation for a partnership is a strong bond of friendship. If you are looking for someone who wants to open both the everyday and extraordinary chapters of life with you, then I look forward to hearing from you! Remember that the best way to connect is to have an open conversation. So let's talk and find out if we can write new stories together.And again for your information, I don't need to write a lot, writing is useless, which woman is very seriously interested in a family relationship. Can also talk on WhatsApp over the phone and see in the camera. Video is the best way to get to know each other, everything that has to do with photos can all be faked, that's my opinion, only talk on camera or on the phone, please understand.A woman who does not stay in contact every day, that is not a relationship for me, the right relationship only if the woman calls every day and is interested, then I know that it is the right relationship



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