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36 - 70 of 100
62 Hässleholm, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 26 - 45
Here’s a nice package, containing some 83 kilos of Swedish steel! But here’s also a strange guy, writing a very questionable first sentence and presenting photos with lesser good quality! He also have a tendency to write too long presentations and letters, so if you are able to stay awake while reading this, you’ve done a great job! Yes, despite the ... ehrm ... infantile presentation, I’d like to think of myself as a mature and reliable guy, who’s also lived long enough to learn from his mistakes. But I’m also a guy with lots of humour. We should be able to laugh at just about everything. On the other hand, when certain situations require you to be serious, I’d like to think that I’m such a person too. I want to leave Sweden and move to another country. To take one small step for human kind but one giant leap for a Swede. Besides, all I need is a laptop and some clean underwear. (I hope that didn’t make you laugh, cause then you have even worse sense of humour than me ...) But most of all, of course, I miss the feeling of having someone to wake up with, someone to hug and kiss. A romantic way of starting the day; like laying behind a woman in bed and kiss her neck and touch her fingers, and I’m not talking about sex in the first place. Yes, just little things – like sitting together outside when the weather’s nice and just holding each other and look in each other’s eyes. Frankly, that’s what life is about. Even more, things that are so great between us that we don’t even have to say anything to each other during certain moments, because we have a complete understanding anyway. It’s like the world has stopped for a moment and there are only the two of us. That’s the feeling I want to accomplish in a relationship. I appreciate people that aren’t superficial, are kind, have a warm heart, are honest, are very good listeners, are not afraid to share their feelings about everything, are able to laugh at themselves and can accept that people make mistakes or understands that sometimes you just have a bad day. Yes, no matter how successful we are, we still make mistakes, but hopefully we learn from our mistakes. That doesn’t mean of course that a woman should put up with a man who acts like a jerk or uses her (like make her cook all the time and wants her to have sex whenever he wants, even if she doesn’t feel like doing it, etc), or that a man should take out his frustration on his partner. Yes, simply a relationship where you should be able to talk about everything without feeling awkward. I realize that I’ve mentioned some clichées, because we all want our partners to be kind, honest etc, but there’s a difference talking about it and being that way in real life. Hey! Are you still awake? Yes, it’s no use thinking it’s too late having a relationship just because you reach a certain age. There are lots of more things I want to do, especially if I found someone to love. When I feel happy, I also become more active and creative. My age has given me a broader way of thinking though, and a certain mature approach, although I’m like a big baby sometimes too. But don’t believe for a second that I’m not a hundred percent serious. When I find something that interests me – like a nice woman living in a foreign country – I go all the way. Then I’d do everything to make that woman happy. Swedish men also have a reputation for being decent and equal men. Does that include me too? Yes, I like to think so! I live a healthy life too. Whatever happens in the future, I’ve made one promise: that I’ll never let my body or brain deteriorate – like gaining too much weight or turning to alcohol or drugs. I’ve seen a few of my friends gaining too much weight, and that’s not a beautiful sight, not to mention a lot of other men in Sweden looking that way. And most of the kilos end up on the stomach … I should have quite some good years left, despite being – hey, let’s talk about something else! – but I still have lots of feelings that I want to express if I’d meet the right woman. That is the perfect woman in my book, but my book most likely looks different than other guy’s books. I guess some men don’t want to date a single mother. I have no problems with that, (although I have to admit that suddenly being a “father” to three or more children could be too much for me to handle). In a way it’s the other way around, because it would be great doing things together as a family. Also, when I’m very old I could say to myself that I did a pretty good job helping my wife (yes, I like the feeling of being married) raise her child or children. You must not forget either that hopefully there will be grandchildren later on, making the family bigger. And then they can take care of us when we’re old! So now you think you’ve found Mr. Perfect? Far from it, because he doesn’t excist, and don’t you think that would be a bit boring in the long run? But I promise to work on my bad habits. I never forget to put the toilet seat down after I’m finished, though. Wow, that was sure very interesting information, which will make us a happy couple for the rest of our lives! Does all this sound interesting or complicated? Well, life – and especially the stimulating word “love” – can be difficult, but life and love can also be wonderful. And if you happen to meet the man or woman of your dream, everything could be perfect. *************************************************************************************************************************************************** And now – drumroll please – here are the usual blah blah blahs: I like running (the feeling when your body responds like you want is hard to beat), music, long hikes (it’s fascinating sometimes being out in the middle of nowhere to reflect on things), reading, history, deep and serious discussions, watching different sports (mostly winter sports but also athletics / track & field), etc. Don’t worry, I’m not a guy who prefers watching football and drinking beer with his friends during the weekends, instead of spending time with the woman he loves. I think that you have to have certain mutual interests if a relationship should work, but since I like to think of myself as a curious person, I’d be interested to learn more about your hobbies, etc. I do appreciate people who are “addicted” to certain interests. Because if we stop being curious, then we also stop making progress as human beings and that’s not a good thing. I have to admit that I’m more of a “hiking out in the middle of nowhere” guy nowadays, but that doesn’t stop me from enjoying city life as well. My wild(!) party days are definitively over, but I enjoy a nice dinner, although the older I get, the more I appreciate quiet surroundings. Hmm, maybe the best mutual interest would simply be wrapped up in each other (meaning laying close together) and being able to talk about everything.
40 Helsingborg, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 18 - 99
Kjell Dahlin
70 Helsingborg, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 39 - 58
47 Landskrona, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 27 - 46
20 Lund, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Male 18 - 30
38 Malmö, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 23 - 42
33 Kristianstad, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 45 - 98
24 Malmö, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 19 - 35
43 Ystad, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 18 - 33
64 Malmö, Skåne, Sweden
Seeking: Female 35 - 45


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