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56 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 52
My story? Well, first of all, if you are viewing my profile, I want to say thanks, but tell you I am not a perfect man. I am a work in progress. I have made mistakes in the past, have paid for them many times over (many years over) and now looking to move on to the great things God has in store for me. I use to be focused on self, money and materialistic and physical things. Now my life is recentered around Jesus and trying to be more like Him. I have had it all. I am well traveled all over the world. I have had a very blessed and crazy life. I really would like to meet someone in person and to get to know them (not a hookup! not just for sex!). I love golfing, travelling, long walks on the beach and being in love. I fight for people's rights and the law and seeing justice is done. I have experienced and learned a lot of things over the years and believe God has molded me into a better man. I am now searching for the right woman to prove it to. I own a couple businesses and have a lot invested in them. I am also working on some mobile and web apps. I act as a CFO for a couple start up companies I hope to get money from next year. I am not a rich man yet but have a lot of potential. I am willing to travel to meet as I am not interested in just emailing. I would like to video chat and see each other and build chemistry and then meet each other. If you have a Visa or need a Visa, I would love to host you. I am a gentleman but can be very sexy and romantic if we both agree and it progresses to this.
33 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 19 - 40
Loving life, always looking for the best, I will make my partner the happiest person in the universe A good person, he loves him a lot, because goodness is loved by God, despite the fact that goodness in our time has become a rare quality among people. Whoever finds a good person must hold on to him well, and do not try to let him go or give him up, so everyone wishes to gain friends and people. They enjoy the quality of kindness, because it is a praiseworthy quality that makes you deal with a person without fear, anxiety or impatience, especially since the quality of kindness is one of the qualities that the prophets, righteous, companions and followers possessed. Hatred, envy, and envy, because a good person is pure on the inside, and God Almighty is good, and does not accept anything but what is good. I wish goodness to all, and I love for them to always achieve the best, my bed is pure, and my interior is similar to my appearance, and I do not evil intend or do bad to anyone, no matter what. I unusual others wrongly and I forget and do not blame me. "I deal with things with a sense of abandonment without harm," "without reproach," "I offer help and assistance to others," even without them asking me to. I do not think badly of others, and I always think good and good. I do not enter into disputes or quarrels with others, people love me and are comfortable in dealing with me and my conversation, I try to reconcile between the quarrels. I spend and my money for the sake of people, without expecting anything from them, I do not disclose the secrets of others and safeguard the trust. I have good morals and good qualities that are called for by the book and the purified Sunnah. I am sad about the sadness of others and I am keen to comfort them and wipe their tears, and I rejoice in their joy and I share this joy with all mismatches. I am distinguished by tender feelings, I do not hate anyone, and my heart is not filled with rage for people, innocent of the envy of others, and I do not wish the blessing of them to disappear. I am selfless and prefer people to myself, even if I have a need for this thing. Most of the time, I am easily deceased by others, because I believe them to be kind, unselfish, and I do not have a love of ownership and exclusivity. I have a lot of friends that I make sure to keep and never give up إنسان طيب، يحبه الكثير، لأن الطيب يحبه الله، على الرغم من أن الطيبة في زمننا هذا أصبحت صفة نادرةً بين الناس، من يعثر على شخصٍ طيبٍ، عليه أن يتمسّك به جيدا، ولا يحاول إفلاته أو التخلي عنه، فالجميع يتمنون أن يكسبوا أصدقاءً وأشخاصاً يتمتّعون بصفة الطيبة، لأنها صفة محمودة، تجعلك تتعامل مع الشخص من دون خوفٍ أو قلق أو تكلف، خصوصا أن صفة الطيبة من الصفات التي تحلى بها الأنبياء والصالحون والصحابة والتابعون، وقد دعت جميع الشرائع السماوية، خصوصا الدين الإسلامي أن يكون الإنسان طيبا، وأن يترك الحقد والغل والحسد، لأن الإنسان الطيب نقي من الداخل، والله سبحانه وتعالى طيّب، لا يقبل إلا طيّبا. أتمنّى الخير للجميع، وأحب لهم تحقيق الأفضل دائما، سريرتي نقية، وباطني يشبه ظاهري، ولا أضمر الشر أو أنوي السوء لأيّ شخصٍ مهما كان. أتجاوز عن إساءة الآخرين لي بطيب نفس، كما أسامح على الخطأ وأنسى ولا أعاتب. أتعامل مع الأشياء بمنطلق هجر بلا أذى، وصفح بلا عتاب، أقدّم العون والمساعدة للآخرين، حتّى من دون أن يطلبوا مني ذلك. لا أسيء الظن بالآخرين، ودائما ظني خير وحسن، لا أدخل في نزاعات أو خصومات مع الآخرين، يحبني الناس ويرتاحون في التعامل معي ومحادثتي، أحاول الإصلاح بين المتخاصمين. أبذل نفسي ومالي من أجل الناس، دون أن أنتظر منهم أيّ مقابل، لا أفشي أسرار الآخرين وأصون الأمانة، أتحلّى بالأخلاق الحسنة والصفات الحميدة، التي دعا إليها الكتاب والسنة النبوية المطهّرة. أحزن لحزن الآخرين وأحرص على مواساتهم ومسح دموعهم، وأفرح لفرحهم وأشاركهم هذا الفرح بكلّ رحابة صدر. أتميّز بمشاعر رقيقة، لا أحقد على أحد، ولا يمتلئ قلبي بالغل على الناس، بريء من حسد الآخرين، ولا أتمنّى زوال النعمة عنهم. أتحلّى بالإيثار وأفضّل الناس على نفسي، حتّى لو كانت لدي حاجة لهذا الشيء. في أغلب الأحيان، أخدع بسهولة من قبل الآخرين، لأنّني أظنّهم بطيبتي، غير أناني وليس لدي حبّ التملك والتفرّد بالأشياء. لدي الكثير من الأصدقاء، الذين أحرص على الاحتفاظ بهم وعدم التخلّي عنهم أبدا
60 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 80
58 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 55 - 70
44 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 35
21 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 25
54 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 60
46 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 58
59 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 29 - 35
19 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 50
34 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 27 - 48
39 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 44
44 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 38
47 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 60
38 Birmingham, Alabama, United States
Seeking: Female 50 - 66

