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San Diego



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54 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 65
Marital Status: Divorced
Please read everything ... I do not like ghetto women or loud women or rude women or stuck-up women or women who lie and want money to be my friend and lover. Please move on. I embrace Jesus Christ - study theology (all religions fascinate me) - have been a guest of lucifer (i do have a dark side or at least a scar on my soul)- enjoy learning about ancient cultures and dig Anubis. I am honest - monogamous (don't cheat EVER) - Vasectomy (I can not (NOT) have more children - no diseases (aids- HIV - hep c - bugs ). I very rarely get angry and rarely yell or get mad. I'm calm - mature and childish- Control of my emotions - focused on my career. I'm in school until Feb 2025. Working on my Advanced degree as a Surgical Technologist. My career goal is to work in a Level 1 Trauma Operating Room (I want to pull bullets out of people). I am the guy who assists the surgeon. I was in a long term relationship and learned alot about relationships and how to keep one. Marraige is a commitment and requires work from both people (that's basic) ... if you want to grow old with somebody ... you need much more! I'm the guy who promises to make you laugh everyday. I'm the guy who cleans the bathroom and makes us dinner before you hit home ... because we are friends. I'm the guy who rubs your feet and gives you messages because you deserve it. I am not submissive... I am a real man! My former wife left me for Donald Trump and MaGA and moved to Indiana to find her people ...( no drama )... and if you support MAGA ... then feel free to move to Indiana ... your people await your arrival. I respect a womens opinion and yes ... your usually right. In exchange... I'm the man who guides you into places that you would never have considered. Let's go to Egypt and walk the halls of a Pyramid ... let's go to Machipichu Peru and eat some coca leaves and explore the ancient ruins. Hey let's take a cruze to Antarctica and sip hot chocolate on the deck and look at penguins. Hey let's sit and watch TV and cuddle on a cold rainy day ... let's watch Disney. Hey let's go to Las Vegas ... get drunk watch some shows and have crazy sex !
52 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 50
Marital Status: Divorced
75 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 33 - 50
Marital Status: Divorced
Listen,if you are one of those fake,plastic,artificial filipina women who just presses a button and sends somebody elses message to 60 different foreigners---get real.If you cannot even be real and genuine about love---you must be a faker about everything else in your life.If you are a 100% fraud please don't even message me---ok!!! Also, some of you women read other people's profiles very very carefully---but yet your profiles are empty;IF YOU HAVE AN EMPTY PROFILE THEN I WILL NOT BE INTERESTED IN YOU SO DON'T EVEN MESSAGE ME.Now, I am going to get real:simply put,I have failed at marraige the first time----this time I want it to last forever.Also this needs to be said---I have absolutely no respect for those pitiful filipinos who use this website as a forum for begging and pleading for money for rice, electrical bills,burial expenses for auntie,etc.!!!!If you are desirous of a true friend and companion then good but if you have a peculiar,economic motivation please don't waste my time or talents---ok.Filipina cupid Is a dating site,not a welfare site!!!This next thing that I am going to say might seem unkind but it needs to be said-----for you women who insist --in your profiles--that you are either attractive or very attractive----so what.First of all,some of you are sorely deluded about the way you look however some of you are genuinely attractive but you fail to realize that any undue reliance on that is superficial rubbish since you will look like a pig's rear end(ass) in a few years : beauty is a very transient quality.Please emphasize your good and faithfull heart because that is what will cause a man to love you for a lifetime.Who gives a damn how you look if you have the personality of a DRAGON OR THE VANITY OF SATAN??? Four final statements are appropriate now---if you are unwilling or unable to push yourself away from the dinner table so that you can look your best for the man whom you say that you love so very much-----then stay single because when you become sloppy fat and unattractive ,he will cheat on you and your relationship will fail.Either be willing to make those sacrifices for him or don't enter into holy matrimony at all.Indeed some of you---who are 10,20,30 or even 50 pounds overweight know for a fact that that is why you lost your man in the first place----now you expect to make that same mistake twice????Surely,if you look your best for him,he will not need the company of that Miss homewrecker at the club----indeed he will be unable to wait to get home to you. You know--some people are inclined to make their own storms and then they get mad when it rains in their faces.And for you women who stay in the gym doing aerobics and zumba while you are single but when you get married you become an eating machine and look like "FREE WILLEY"you are fake and plastic so don't you dare message me---ok:you deserve to be alone!!! Also,this is for the biggots and haters who think that their fecal matter don't stink and who think that they can walk on water and turn water into wine-----you might be under some grande delusion that you will enter into the heavenly realms just because you have light skin but believe me you will be in for the shock of your very existence one moment after you leave this life; INDEED JESUS THE CHRIST OF GOD IS NOT IMPRESSED WITH THE COLOR OF YOUR EPIDERMIS.By the way,you are in very good company,if you are a hater-----BENITO MUSSOLINI,IDI AMIN,ADOLPH HITLER,HENRY FORD,GEORGE WALLACE AND THE GRANDE WIZARD OF THE KLU KLUX KLAN-----I wonder where in the regions of HELL you will find them now???Surely Jesus is no respecter of persons and you will feel the impact of his eternal rage forever and ever AMEN.I despise all biggots---american and filipino!!!!For you older women who are supposed to be mature and who are supposed to have it all together-----I can say this for you:many of you sincerely want a serious relationship but you are carrying excess baggage from your past------you cant trust anyone and you are sickeningly suspicious of every man.Before you punish someone new for something one of your ex's has done,stop and take inventory of yourself and ask yourself IF YOU ARE REALLY READY FOR A PERMANENT RELATIONSHIP WITH A HUMAN BEING-----cause if you are not,then---STAY ALONE.Some of you are seriously unbalanced----EMOTIONALLY!!!!!Now with these few words,I have opened the window of my soul so that anyone who shows me interest or favorites me will know exactly what to expect-------essentially,I hate BS and therefore will not tolerate it from anybody!!!!!Also,if you don't even have a cellphone please don't waste my time cause you are in no way prepared to date a foreigner.Lastly,I have carefully read many profiles at this dating site and every so often I come across a woman who is looking for a man to love her UNCONDITIONALLY-----let me state categorically that such a quest is a total fantasy and pipedream since no human being is capable of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.The aforementioned love is uniquely a divine attribute,thus can only be generated,conceived and carried out by the great God of the universe.Hypothetically,if a woman had a man who molested her children,stole from her to buy drugs and beat her incessantly-----after awhile her love for him would surely die.On the contrary,God's love for a person remains constant and invariant no matter the conduct of the object of His love.I say all that to say this-----if you are seeking a man's love,make sure that your expectations are reasonable and within the realms of reality----ok.Moreover, many of you use the term because it makes you sound educated and poetical and--you think--makes you dignified and sophisticated---but you are only puting your profound ignorance on display.One last thing to strongly re-emphasize,if you are excessively fat and overweight---please do not waste my time because if you don't have the self dignity and self respect to keep your body in shape then no doubt your mental health is also probably a shambles too.SO GO WASTE ANOTHER'S TIME---NOT MINE. PS: if you are always talking on whatsapp you are a filipina scammer who is trying to use men so dont even show me your interest: I am not interested in cyber whores-------you can be a street whore or a cyber whore---to me there is no difference!!!
41 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 25 - 34
Marital Status: Divorced
50 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 56 - 86
Marital Status: Divorced
マット Matt
50 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 50
Marital Status: Divorced
60 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 36 - 55
Marital Status: Divorced
55 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 50
Marital Status: Divorced
57 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 56
Marital Status: Divorced
56 San Diego, California, United States
Seeking: Female 27 - 44
Marital Status: Divorced

