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District of Columbia





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49 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 30
Religion: Christian
38 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 20 - 50
Religion: Christian
ATTENTION: Would you be surprised if I were to tell you I AM 50 years old and I AM not 37 years old like this website is stating my age to be? Israelmore Ayivor once said, “Telling the truth to yourself is Integrity; Telling the truth to others is Honesty; Telling the truth with no fear or intimidation is Bravity and being free from falsehood is Purity!” First, let me make one thing crystal clear. I AM going to be totally honest with you and be myself - be the person that I AM - be who I truly am. I don't know if you know I posted “My Profile” on this website for my own personal satisfaction and not because I believed it was going to instantly impress you and magically "attract" you - a scared and fear-controlled woman - and make you stop being apathetic... stop being ambivalent... and stop being controlled by your fear or your fears. You know, stop having fear of your vulnerability, stop having fear of yourself making a mistake, stop having fear of not being in control of your circumstances... and instantly master your fear and have the courage and curiosity enough to become interested in me. I posted my profile because in order to be able to think you have to risk being offensive. Yes I am, in a lot of women's opinion, a toxically masculine man. I don't know if you know I take that as a very high compliment. You probably already know, now, you will also fear me and wrongly decide to avoid me/not allow your mind to decide to begin talking with me because I am a highly educated and extensively experienced (a VERY intelligent) man... and my intelligence intimidates you more than if I put a pistol in front of your nose or if I put a sharp knife or a straight-edge shaving razor under your neck. Ramana Pemmaraju once said, “Sometimes people are intimidated not because you're intelligent, but they fear your presence may make them conscious of their ignorance!” I don't know if you know I AM a decent and very down-to-earth type man and I pretty much say what I'm thinking or feeling and I just tell it like it is. Once you get to know me, you will either love me or hate me and I want you to do one or the other because I don't want you to continue to be either unsure or indecisive or apathetic or ambivalent about your feelings that you will have towards me. You are a woman - a female human - who is controlled by your emotions (by your feelings), right? You and I, we both know that your female human feelings are fleeting. No one understands you like I do. Oh well, it doesn't matter to me which feelings or whatever you decide to have towards me. Here's why: I don't think it's possible to truly love yourself completely when you're addicted to being chosen. So the more I leaned to self-love and self-realization I can't be invested in your opinion of me or in anyone' s opinion of me. More important than that... YOU don't do anything daily in my life to help me satisfy my basic physiological needs (you know, my daily need to have utilities, transportation, shelter, personal hygiene products, medicine, food, clothing and accessories) YOU don't provide me with an income (with money) each day or each week or each month; YOU don't pay any of my monthly bills; YOU don't pay the monthly mortgage installment payment necessary on the house that I am now attempting to complete the process of paying for it and eventually owning it; YOU don't daily provide me with any type of shelter from the elements (freezing cold, rain, snow, blazing hot sun, storms or wind); YOU don't daily provide me with any type of protection - safety - from dangerous animals or from humans with evil intent or from insects and other pests; YOU don't pay for the services I daily need that provided to me by utility companies (electricity, natural gas, water, sewage, trash disposal) each month that are daily necessary for me to live comfortably and enjoyably inside my house (you know, the shelter that I daily need that YOU don't pay the monthly mortgage installment payments on, remember?); YOU don't buy and/or provide me with the shoes, the clothing and appearance-enhancing accessories that I have to wear daily; YOU don't pay for (buy) and/or provide (give me) the food that I have to eat daily; YOU don't daily cook my meals using the food items that have to be bought to even begin to start the process of preparing the meal; YOU don't monthly pay for my healthcare/medical insurance; YOU don't make the monthly installment payments that are necessary to complete the process of buying my vehicle; YOU don't monthly pay my insurance for the 5 vehicles that I have in my possession (3 of them I own without a lien holder on them); YOU don't daily show me generosity or give me happiness or love or peace of mind; and... YOU don't provide me with any type of affectionate feelings or any type of sensual pleasure daily (each day of my life now), so... Why should I? Either way it's cool with me. That's because: I will NEVER let you - a woman - pay for a date (or split the bill - fifty/fifty - you pay half and I pay the other half)... and I will NEVER let you walk in front of me (I am a leader and not a follower)... and I will NEVER let you wear whatever you want to wear (clothing, hairstyle, makeup and shoes included - trust me, I know what's best)... and I will NEVER let you move into the place (the residence/the house) where I now live - that I used my hard work and my money to purchase it - then allow you to disrespect me and dominate me and emasculate me and control the dynamics of our defined by the Holy Bible "traditional" (not modern or contemporary) husband and wife relationship you will daily have with me. In the Word(s) of God he made man to be the head of his household and also be the head of his church here on Earth. So that will NEVER happened in my life. You're thinking like someone who is crazy. FACT: A woman does not build a house or a home from the dirt up. You just make a decision in your mind to move in and live with a man. Then, once you have successfully come inside a man's life, you will now try to convince him that you are the "grand prize or coveted trophy" that he needs to successfully compete against other men - other male humans who you view as possible suitors and prospective marriage candidates or suitable marriage partners - and actually persuade you that he is the actual winning the competition and deserving of receiving you (and having you on display inside his trophy case inside where he lives)... so he can receive an award - you (your companionship and your "prize" of coition) - and daily have you in his life. FACT: Most modern women only want to deal with or have a monogamous relationship with a guy whose lifestyle is already preassembled - already created and established - because most women don't want to do the daily "hard work" necessary to successfully have financial independence... have financial freedom... and stability. You might want to know I AM not perfect because God - the Divine Creator And Ruler Of The Universe - made me imperfect so that I can have a goal that I can daily work at towards attempting to continue evolving and successfully improve my soul/the person that I AM. No I won't lie to you or try to convince you that I AM Mr. Perfect or Mr. Right (because I don't know what "type" of man is the "right man" for you). And I guarantee you that I AM neither a woman beater; nor a time-waster; nor a thief; nor a Sugar Daddy; nor a player (or playboy); nor a pimp; nor a loverboy; nor a lothario; nor a liar; nor a idler; nor a gangster; nor an ex-convict... and I AM definitely neither a drug user or drug abuser (a drug addict); nor a con man; nor a bisexual (not even bi-curious); nor an alcoholic; nor an axxhole. I wouldn’t want to tell you be right and make the right decision now because you are confident and you do believe you positively want to end your search for strength, right? You may or may not decide now that is the wise thing to do under the existing circumstances. If you were to show good and careful judgment about what type of man "you think I am" and, similarly, make a wise decision... you know, a well-thought-through decision you can make or take an action you positively either want to perform or you can do - like be first, be right and make the right decision to let me allow you an exclusive opportunity to get to know me and let me get to know you. You are free to choose. You probably already know you will tell yourself this lie that you do believe you know what I want from you. That's because the first person you have to convince to believe your lie is yourself! You might want to know I already know you have a single thought-focused, one track mind and you think all I want from you is for you to give me an opportunity to get some of your precious womanly secret and just have coition with you. I can't believe you are doubting my motives. Would you be surprised if I were to tell you this is what I want from you: I want you to give me an opportunity to come inside your life and break your fake-axx facade - the pretend you / the false you - you know, your pseudo-strong, independent, modern woman image that you portray yourself to be (daily, in the eyes of people who see you and interact with you in public)? You probably already know, in private, your innermost thoughts and feelings are: you actually have a very submissive soul. Yes, that is your secret self - the real you / the true you. I wouldn’t try to tell you to decide now to surrender your stubborn will to me and submit your mind to me and let me allow your soul/your mind to finally stop telling a lie to yourself - to your soul - and truly be who you actually are. Yes, I AM a true Sigma Male-type of man and I AM never going to apologize to you for being who God - The Divine Creator And Ruler Of The Universe - created me to be... and you can't make me. Yes, I AM a dominant, intelligent, confident & kindhearted man who knows what I want. I don't know if you know what I want is: I want to give you a never before available chance to break your bad habit of being an addict. All things are possible. I would love to help you stop and get rid of your addiction to psychological and emotional manipulation (your urge to gain and have the ability to exercise undue influence through mental distortion and emotional exploitation) due to: [1] your stealthily desire and your wily intention to seize POWER (obtain the ability to command; dominate; be in control). I don't know if you know, in the Holy Bible, Eve allowed herself to listen to the words she heard spoken into her ears and be deceived by the cunning serpent - Satan - and she was convinced to believe she should not fear God and she should not continue to obey God. Eve was also convinced to believe she had the free will to disobey Adam and seize POWER because Eve was persuaded to believe she had POWER and the ability to command / dominate / be in CONTROL of circumstances and the environment, in the Garden of Eden; NOTE: God has spoken once, twice I have heard this that POWER belongs to God - PSALMS: chapter 62 verse 11; also... For all POWER belongs to God, now and forever. Amen - 1 PETER: chapter 15 verse 11; and; [2] your obsessive womanly thought or idea of actually obtaining and gaining CONTROL (through successfully obtaining the ability to exercise authoritative or dominating influence over or direction over another person or the ability to restrain another person). NOTE: You might want to know, in the Holy Bible, Eve was deceived into believing she had obtained and gained the ability to CONTROL and she wrongly decided to exercise dominating influence (authority) over or direction over Adam (another person) and "convinced" him to believe he could likewise commit an act of disrespect, disobedience and defiance and not obey the rules given to both of them by God - The Divine Creator And Ruler Of The Universe; and [3] your present and future-oriented need to obtain BENEFITS (through successfully satisfying your basic physiological needs of daily having shelter, food, safety and clothing) and/or gain PRIVILEGES (a special advantage, benefit, immunity, permission or right granted to you or enjoyed by you - gaining the advantage or benefit of having access to the material possessions / property owned by another person). You might not see it now, but trust me, I’m really just trying to help you. Yes, you know you posted your profile and your photo on this website because you are drawn to the material security that a stable relationship can (or I should correctly say will) provide to you, but your fear of either losing yourself (losing the perceived POWER and the pseudo-CONTROL you do believe you have) or your fear of getting hurt - emotionally - could inhibit you and I from emotionally and mentally merging with one another, even if - spiritually - it would be good for us. By the way, you probably already know you can successfully obtain benefits and you will instantly gain privileges through having either limited or unlimited access to the person’s living space, furnishings, food, entertainment sources, vehicle and etc., through your social interaction with the person and through coition with the person. NOTE: The definition of the word coition is: To... Hey, stop being so lazy! Look up the meaning of that word yourself! In psychological manipulation, one person (the victim - another person) is used for the benefit of the other person (the manipulator - this is YOU). The manipulator (YOU) deliberately creates an imbalance of power and exploits the victim (the other person) to serve your own self-serving agenda or satisfy your own self-centered needs or achieve your selfishly desired goal or goals. I don’t know if you know I already know your agenda / your need / your goal is to successfully establish and have a long-term monogamous relationship with a clean, dependable, dreamy, faithful, financially independent, generous, loyal, protective, reliable, respectful, responsible, strong, supportive and stable man - a relationshit (oops, I meant to say a relationship) based on negative reciprocity: This form of reciprocity happens when YOU (one party involved in the exchange) are trying to get more out of it than the other person (the other party involved in the exchange). Sharing a much-needed thing (your over-valued and over-priced womanly secret) at an inflated price to me (the other party or other person involved in the exchange) is one example of negative reciprocity. You misunderstood what I said. Would you be surprised if I were to tell you point blank that is why I don't want some of your precious womanly secret? You don't have to worry about me trying to either "convince" you or trying to "persuade" you to give me some (or I should correctly say share some) of your womanly secret that you probably already know you can not and you will never freely give - without a cost - any man some of your stank stuff. So... you might want to stop playing hard to get. You know I AM better at it. Look... I value honesty. I believe it is better hurt me with the truth but never comfort me with your lie. Yes, you can continue to tightly hold on to your precious pricey womanly secret that you think so highly of and have placed a high (and definitely over-priced) value on just because you have it in your possession! So stop undressing my profile photo with your sexy eyes because I want to be the master of your manipulative mind. And you can keep on controlling and preventing a man from gaining access to your precious womanly secret! I WANT YOU to stop stubbornly resisting and preventing me from making you break your very bad habit of being a CONTROL addict and allow you to finally end your search for strength, surrender your stubborn will to me and submit your mind to me! That is what I want you to give to me! You probably already know the one question you know you want to ask me is: Charles, what do you truly want from me? I don’t know if I should let you see the answer to your question! You might want to know, I truly and I actually want a lot of things from you! I want you to ALWAYS: want me / understand me / trust me / surrender to me / support me / submit to me / serve me / satisfy me / respect me / provide me / pleasure me / please me / obey me / need me / motivate me / miss me / massage me / love me / like me / kiss me / hug me / hold me / have coition with me / give me / get me / fondle me / feed me / feel me / fear me / entertain me / enjoy me / encourage me / desire me / deserve me / cuddle with me / cook for me / come to me / clean for me / caress me / care for me / believe me / appease me / appreciate me / admire me... and accept me - just the way that I AM - accept me as the real man or as the Sigma Male-type of man that our God created me to be. Would you be surprised if I were to tell you I AM a strong man spiritually, physically, mentally/intellectually, financially and emotionally? Also, I AM someone who is unselfish, uninhibited, understanding, supportive, trustworthy, positive-thinking, passionate, open-minded, loyal, loving, intelligent, generous, fun-loving, faithful, demanding, considerate, compassionate, clean, caring, appreciative, ambitious and affectionate. By the way, I AM a well-mannered, sometimes WiLd (with a great sense of humor), down-to-earth, cool/calm/and collected, and adventurous-type man who loves to try new exciting things, too! What else do you like about me? You may or may not decide now to take charge of your mind and continue talking with me because you know you positively want a dreamy (semi-sexy) and sorta handsome gentleman with style and mindful intuition who is ambitious, goal-focused, family-oriented, romantic, and believes in treating a woman with respect and treating her good - if you were to prove to me that you actually are deserving of being treated that way. You are in CONTROL.
40 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 22 - 28
Religion: Christian
54 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 29 - 49
Religion: Christian
35 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 23 - 42
Religion: Christian
32 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 22 - 50
Religion: Christian
36 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Male 50 - 70
Religion: Christian
59 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 32 - 44
Religion: Christian
48 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Male 31 - 94
Religion: Christian
30 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 40
Religion: Christian
26 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 19 - 60
Religion: Christian
44 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 50
Religion: Christian
58 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 37 - 59
Religion: Christian
32 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 21 - 43
Religion: Christian
31 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 30 - 40
Religion: Christian
49 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 50
Religion: Christian
43 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 26 - 58
Religion: Christian
85 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 45 - 65
Religion: Christian
35 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Male 35 - 70
Religion: Christian
38 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 44
Religion: Christian
31 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 18 - 60
Religion: Christian
46 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 48
Religion: Christian
23 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 19 - 23
Religion: Christian
26 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 24 - 60
Religion: Christian
25 Washington, District of Columbia, United States
Seeking: Female 19 - 35
Religion: Christian

