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South Carolina

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62 Columbia, South Carolina, United States
Seeking: Female 27 - 62
I am not African, I am born and raised New Yorker, looking for friends only, maybe more , a submissive and faithful wife ,so as i travel i will know some one when I get there. no games, I am not here to give anybody any money or to be used as a cash cow.If you don't speak English, there is no reason for us to talk. I plan to visit Please block me if your not interested in being friends so i don't send a duplicate response. I am HIV +Frequently Asked Questions please read my profile and let me know if you are interested, if you are feel free to call me anytime my name is James: If taking anti-HIV drugs has made my viral load undetectable (meaning that the virus isn't showing up on blood tests), can I still pass the virus to another person through sex? The research results available at this time show that our current HIV medication regimens (antiretroviral therapy, or ART) are very, very effective at preventing HIV transmission to a sex partner if the HIV viral load is undetectable. The following two studies focus on this question. A large international study looked at heterosexual couples in which one partner was HIV positive and the other was HIV negative (we call these serodifferent couples). The study found that if the positive partners took ART to suppress their viral loads, their risk of infecting their partners was enormously reduced, by 93% overall, over about 5 years. And, if the HIV-positive partner was consistently on HIV medications, with an undetectable HIV viral load, there were no partner infections. It is important to note that the couples in this study were encouraged to use condoms. A smaller study looked at both male-female serodifferent couples and male-male serodifferent couples who did not use condoms (and did not plan to use them). All of the HIV-positive partners in the study were on ART and had undetectable HIV viral loads. After more than a year, none of the HIV-negative partners had become HIV positive. Frequently Asked Questions Q: If taking anti-HIV drugs has made my viral load undetectable (meaning that the virus isn't showing up on blood tests), can I still pass the virus to another person through sex? The research results available at this time show that our current HIV medication regimens (antiretroviral therapy, or ART) are very, very effective at preventing HIV transmission to a sex partner if the HIV viral load is undetectable. The following two studies focus on this question. A large international study looked at heterosexual couples in which one partner was HIV positive and the other was HIV negative (we call these serodifferent couples). The study found that if the positive partners took ART to suppress their viral loads, their risk of infecting their partners was enormously reduced, by 93% overall, over about 5 years. And, if the HIV-positive partner was consistently on HIV medications, with an undetectable HIV viral load, there were no partner infections. It is important to note that the couples in this study were encouraged to use condoms. A smaller study looked at both male-female serodifferent couples and male-male serodifferent couples who did not use condoms (and did not plan to use them). All of the HIV-positive partners in the study were on ART and had undetectable HIV viral loads. After more than a year, none of the HIV-negative partners had become HIV positive. 
39 Beaufort, South Carolina, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 37
52 Charleston, South Carolina, United States
Seeking: Female 28 - 55
Olá meu nome é Daniel. (Eu normalmente não falo ou escrevo sobre mim tão diretamente, não é por falta de confiança, mas não é meu estilo. Eu costumo ser mais reservado.) No entanto, na esperança de fazer conexão, aqui estão alguns informações sobre mim. Tenho três filhas maravilhosas com mais de 21 anos (a mais nova nas fotos há alguns anos) Separados? (se divorciar deve esperar um ano nesta área) Casou com a mulher errada nos meus 20 anos, ficou para os filhos. (minhas 3 filhas estão nas fotos) Resultado do teste de personalidade Myer's Brigs INTJ Linguagem do Amor: Toque Físico / Tempo de Qualidade / Presentear Meus amigos e familiares me descrevem como artista e cientista ao mesmo tempo. Parece estranho, mas se encaixa. Leio vorazmente. Eu amo arte, música, comida,. Tenho um zelo e paixão pela vida que é difícil de colocar em palavras. Sinto que estou atualmente desfrutando de um renascimento eufórico do eu (não em um sentido de ego maligno do eu, mas em uma expressão pessoal de autenticidade alegre no momento). sentido, mas sim em intimidade genuína, sinceridade e paixão) para viver deliberadamente. Minha mentalidade é o resultado de muito sofrimento e autodesenvolvimento. Adoro arte, natureza, música, surfar, compor, cantar, investir, viajar, comida, outras culturas, ler, aprender, caminhar, nadar, ciência, nutrição, amigos e família, longas conversas, viagens espontâneas etc. O oceano é tão belamente terapêutico, é como se a linha do horizonte redefinisse algo na psique. O surf é maravilhoso. Aprecio o minimalismo, mas também os luxos da vida. Eu amo terras rurais e montanhas/praias, mas as luzes da cidade podem ser atraentes para excursões/cultura/refeições requintadas, mas eu aprecio a beleza rural tranquila. Eu sou extremamente trabalhador e diligente Eu nunca usei drogas de qualquer tipo (sem fazer julgamentos) Eu gosto de uma dieta de carnes e vegetais de alta qualidade apenas. Quase sem açúcar ou grãos. (eu trapaceio as vezes) Escrevo música e toco com frequência. Eu toco violão, um pouco de piano e canto. Eu estou procurando um. Estou vivendo no celibato e fazendo autodesenvolvimento enquanto passo pelo processo de divórcio. Também estou reorganizando as finanças da empresa para organizar a flexibilidade e o estilo de vida futuros. Tempo de Viver. Eu quero ver o mundo juntos, e às vezes apenas deitar e rir Hello, my name is Daniel. (I don't normally speak or write about myself so forwardly, it's not for lack of confidence mind you, but it's just not my style. I tend to be more reserved.) Nevertheless, in the hopes of making connection ,here is some information about me. I have three wonderful daughters all over age 21 (youngest in photos a few years ago) Separated? (getting divorced must wait a year in this area) Married wrong woman in my 20's, stayed for the children.(my 3 daughters are in photos) Myer's Brigs personality test result INTJ Love Language : Physical Touch / Quality Time / Gift Giving My friends and family describe me as being like artist and a scientist at the same time. Sounds weird but it fits. I read voraciously. I love art, music, food,. I have a zeal and passion for life that is difficult to put into words. I feel that I am currently enjoying a euphoric renaissance of self (not in a malignant ego sense of self but rather in a personal expression of joyous authenticity in the moment) I fully intend upon savoring every single moment of life(not in a reckless epicurean sense but rather in genuine intimacy, sincerity and passion) to live deliberately. My mindset is the result of much suffering and self development. I love art, nature, music, surfing, composing, singing, investing, travel, food, other cultures, reading, learning, hiking, swimming, science, nutrition, friends and family, long conversations, spontaneous trips etc. The ocean is so beautifully therapeutic, it is as if the horizon line resets something in the psyche. Surfing is wonderful. I have an appreciation for minimalism but also for life's luxuries. I love rural land and mountains/beaches, but the city lights can be alluring for excursions/culture/ fine dining but I appreciate quiet rural beauty. I am extremely hard working and diligent I have never used drugs of any sort (not making judgements) I enjoy a diet of high quality meats and vegetables only. Almost no sugar or grain. (i cheat sometimes) I write music and play often. I play guitar, some piano, and sing. I am looking for the one. I am living in celibacy and doing self development while going through the divorce process. I am also rearranging business finances to organize for future flexibility and lifestyle. Time to live. I want to see the world together, and sometimes just lay around and laugh
64 Greenville, South Carolina, United States
Seeking: Female 35 - 65
I have lost 20.4 kg since February 2022. Attended High School and College in Florida. I Was a military kid so I have lived all around the world. N. Africa (Morocco), Orient (Taiwan, Hong Kong), Gibraltar (was bitten by a Barbary Ape on the Rock), Western Europe, all over the USA. As a combat Infantry Officer I served in Germany and around the US. If for any reason yo find me at all interesting please look for me. That way we can communicate openly.  In my youth I was a Policeman and Military Officer. Later in life an Insurance/Securities Salesman for many years. Previously I have written investment, savings and retirement programs for others in the past. I have now written a two part program for myself. It is not impossible. It is not 'magic'. It is simply math and the reasonable application of mathematics to savings and wealth building. This type of program should have been available to the masses years and years ago. Looking for a stable partner, companion, friend, confidant and beyond. Someone who will appreciate my 'Southern Gentleman' upbringing. Someone who appreciates the opening of doors, pulling of chairs, offering of a jacket or arm. I was taught to respect women/females from a very early age by my father and other males in my family. I am almost always smiling and laughing. I laugh, cut up, joke around and have fun as often as I possibly can and I am always finding things to laugh about. Even in when or while out in public. I realize that many other cultures sometimes frown upon this or think someone might be 'simple' or 'slow' but I'll just have to learn how to deal with it If this sounds like anything you might enjoy I hope you will seriously consider contacting me. Then let's see if any sparks, attractions or fireworks begin, and where they might lead Please find me.
