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32 Almirante Brown, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buscando: Mujer 21 - 30
40 Baradero, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buscando: Mujer 40 - 70
34 Buenos Aires, Federal District, Argentina
Buscando: Mujer 30 - 44
32 Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina
Buscando: Mujer 18 - 28
Hi!, how are you?, please try to speak me in Spanish coz my english is very bad, i hope that you are super well. Since it's very boring to talk about myself, I'd better share beautiful verses with you, from my Beautiful Books, which complement the Bible, where they explain very well, affirm and reaffirm what the Bible says. I write them below: Note: I am not an evangelist or similar, I only seek to expand consciousness through my Books. What really matters is what I come to offer you: Divine Wisdom without limits. If you consider it convenient, you only have to read a little on my profile, I am waiting for your messages in case you want to know a little more, I send you abundant blessings. Our Beloved Master says: Blessed Truth, of which you are the Essence and which makes you free; where there is no fear of God, but only love for God. And how are you going to learn to love God, if you currently deny your neighbor? If even the one who lacks you, exists in Him, and He exists in you. Begin in that sublime part, to love and respect your peers, because you are loving God in themselves. Love God as you want to love Him, love God as you feel, that the Christ of God knows how to understand you, that the Christ of God knows how to extract the pure essence of your simple actions, or how you present them to Him. Love , as you are able to love him, but do not hurt your brothers, because you are hurting the Christ. I do not want you to come to Me for fear of being hurt by so many reasons to come; I want you to come to Me for the conviction of yourself, for the willingness to learn, with the purpose of teaching. I want you to come to Me, because I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, which will soften your hopes and make you enter the Path of white spirituality, with the intention of loving to make others happy. The Laws of Love are to be practiced, the Laws of God are to be obeyed, and the laws of men, are to be discussed. Laws are to be respected and should not be feared, just as one should not fear God, my Father. The woman, with my Light, does not have to fear; the woman, in my Love, has no reason dude; The woman filled with holy spirit does not have to train, because then he will be healed with the power of the word and faith. My Father God is not feared, he is loved and respected in his Laws. You can fear a bad man, a danger; but not to the Infinite Sweetness of my Heavenly Father. I don't know may fear Greatness; She is sought through faith. I want you to feel like Light, like Strength, full of Health. Repeat these phrases: "Illness is a strange thing for me and I don't accept it." And with this, heal yourself, talk to God who is in you, who only expects you to listen to him and prepare to receive the benefits that you desire, as long as the desire you have is just and noble. The word, cure. The spirit knows it because it is the Source of Health, therefore, you repeat: "I want to feel deep peace and be in harmony with God, who manifests his perfect Idea." What does it matter that not others recognize you? What does it matter if I contemplate you and value your work and your manifestation? Blessed are those who are not afraid and confess that they love me; in front of others, because I will recognize them. You are afraid to face a pain greater than the one you are carrying, because it hurts that personality in which you have put all your activity; instead you run away from real work, where the mind finds its complacency, and the spirit finds the satisfaction of surpassing itself. The Gospels are not only to be read, but so that the woman with a clear conscience can carry them inside, and the one who obeys the Law, the one who is complying with it, does not have to fear, because she carries the Gospel within herself, and feel your Truth in Consciousness. Fear is only justified in the disobedience of the higher Laws, which plunges you into the failure of your life, you just have to obey, nothing more, because the greatest enemy of man and woman is man himself, and the woman herself, and the atmosphere is poisoned by her malevolent thoughts. Be more afraid of spiritual poverty than of material poverty, because Jesus was poor even though he could be rich, and this was his first teaching for Humanity, so that it could take from Me. You have made your life a sad paradox, due to the denial that the material emanates towards the wise adjustment, of the immutable factors that are summarized in the magnanimous Laws of The Creator, and, time is arrived when you must begin the transformation of your earthly life; Only in this way will you be able to reach the Higher Planes of Mental organization in which you will penetrate and convince yourself that within yourself was the Wonderful Key to Perfection. Learning goes according to the struggle, and after the knowledge obtained in the classroom, the successes of your life will begin, which will discover the faults that you have created, that your existence keeps, since existence itself is the Presence of God in you. Give your reason the opportunity to know that you are part of the Universal Truth. Dans le jardin de la vie, tu éclaires, comme une rose au lever du jour, ta beauté dans le vent prospère, chaque pétale murmure son amour. Tes yeux, étoiles du ciel nocturne, brillent d'une lumière qui charme, dans leur éclat, mon cœur se tourne, et trouve une paix douce et calme. Ton sourire, une mélodie douce, comme un chant qui enchante l'âme, il est l'aube où l'amour éclabousse, et dans sa chaleur, tout s'enflamme. Ta peau, douce comme la soie fine, est une caresse qui réconforte, c'est un rêve où le cœur s'incline, dans sa tendresse, il se transporte. Ta voix, un murmure délicat, est la brise qui touche l'esprit, c'est l'écho d'un doux éclat, qui dans la nuit me séduit. Ton allure, une danse divine, est un rythme qui arrête le temps, chaque pas, une grâce marine, qui fait rêver mon cœur content. Dans ton essence, je trouve l'harmonie, d'un amour qui complète ma vie, tu es la muse de mon poème infini, la beauté qui jamais ne fuit. In the garden of life, you bloom so bright, like a rose kissed by the morning's embrace, your beauty dances in the gentle light, each petal a reflection of your grace. Your eyes, two stars in the evening sky, shine with a light that captures my soul, they're the flames where my dreams lie, and in their glow, I find myself whole. Your smile, a melody so sweet, like a song that enchants the heart, it's the dawn where joy and love meet, and in its warmth, sorrows depart. Your voice, a whisper of pure delight, is the breeze that caresses my being, it's an echo in the quiet of night, that fills my heart with a tender feeling. En el jardín de la vida floreces, como una rosa en la mañana clara, tu belleza en el viento se mece, y cada pétalo al sol repara. Tus ojos, estrellas en la noche, brillan con luz que el alma enamora, son destellos de un fuego derroche, que en mi corazón siempre mora. Tu sonrisa, dulce melodía, como un canto que el alma embelesa, es la aurora de un nuevo día, y en su fulgor mi ser adereza. Tu piel, suave como el terciopelo, es caricia que calma y consuela, es un cielo sin nubes, tan bello, que mis sueños más dulces revela. Tu voz, un susurro encantado, es la brisa que al alma acaricia, es el eco de un canto sagrado, que en mi pecho florece en delicia. Tu andar, cual danza divina, es un ritmo que el tiempo detiene, cada paso, cual suave neblina, es un suspiro que el aire contiene. En tu esencia hallo la armonía, de un amor que mi vida completa, eres musa de eterna poesía, la belleza que nunca se aquieta.
54 Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buscando: Mujer 30 - 42
Mi nombre es Luis. Creo en el amor y por eso creo que cuando la gente dice amarse debería casarse, porque el matrimonio es compromiso, es elección, es un sacramento y es la base de una familia sólida. Por ese mismo motivo también creo que si un dia me llegara a casar lo haría con separación de bienes. No porque yo tenga bienes, lo haría porque es lo mejor que se puede hacer separar lo económico de lo sentimental. Si decidiera estar con alguien solo lo haria por amor, no puedo aceptar estar con alguien por otro motivo. Como dije no tengo bienes. No tengo auto ni casa propia. Tengo un trabajo y valores que no cambio por nada. Creo en la fidelidad, en la humildad y en el respeto. Me gusta ser optimista. Me gusta el mar, la montaña, una buena charla, mirar a los ojos. Durante esta falsa pandemia, descubrí que vivimos en un mundo de mentiras... una de las tantas fue esta pandemia. Hoy se podría decir que soy antivacunas. Antes de descubrir la verdad vivía con mucho miedo...pero ahora ya no. Jesús nos dijo muchas veces que no tengamos miedo. Cuando miro a mi alrededor veo que el mundo se sostiene sobre muchas mentiras y la única verdad es Dios... No soy un fanático... solo trato de vivir la verdad.... Lo físico no es lo más importante... pero importa... porque es el envase de un contenido.... aunque si no hay contenido el envase no sirve para nada. Soy Católico practicante. Creo en el amor, el matrimonio y en la familia. Creo que soy bastante ingenioso y divertido. Soy una persona simple, trabajadora y responsable. No me gusta la arrogancia ni las faltas de respeto ...Fiel, honesto y optimista Me gustan los animales. No busco la felicidad. Soy feliz porque hace tiempo tomé la decisión de serlo a pesar de todo. Creo que pase mucho tiempo de mi vida no viendo lo importante... y sólo veía lo urgente. Lo importante está dentro nuestro sólo hay que decidirse a verlo y vivirlo. VIVIR LA VERDAD QUE PARA MI ES DIOS. Eso no significa vivir en la Iglesia. Significa tratar de vivir en mi propia vida las enseñanzas de Jesús con mis limitaciones y defectos, con mis miedos y mis errores Soy devoto de nuestra señora de Fátima. Soy así...un poco o demasiado conservador... pero defiendo mis convicciones, porque sin ellas no soy nada. Para ser totalmente sincero hoy no tengo dinero para viajar a ningún lugar del mundo. Solo podríamos conocernos si viajas a la Argentina.
