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64 Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland
Suche: Weiblich 30 - 50
I speak English on a native speaker level! Would be great if you did too ... Je parle francais prèsque au meme niveau que ma langue maternelle (allemand). Toi aussi? Super :-) My new main profile picture is from August 2022! ... I am seriously looking for true love, passion + marriage .... scammers keep off! ... My personal wish list: 1. You should preferably live in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, in the United Kingdom or at least somewhere in central Europe. 2. You should be fluent in English or French (or German, of course). Because I want to communicate a lot with my love. 3. PLEASE come as you are - if you want to be with me, I will accept you the way you are and I only wish to get the same from you in return. This is total and individual freedom within a tight relationship. Nothing shall happen between the two of us that you don't want, I will never use force to push my wishes through. Well, why am I here? Okay, I want to find a sweet, cute and lovely, well-educated Afro, Caucasian or Asian woman. Not for fun, but forever! I don't want an elegant glamour lady - what I really need is the simple, down-to-earth "girl next door" type of woman. I don't value much expensive clothes, and from about April to October I mostly walk barefoot at home and in the garden. Just a pair of worn-out jeans and a T-shirt, and I'm set, that's me. I offer you true love, passion, devotion, commitment, understanding, lots of playful tenderness and sleepless nights ... maybe you want to continue this story? Pour toutes les femmes francophones ici: j'adore l'amour, je suis encore très jeune dans ce regard, pas un mec du type grandpère ... Et saches que je sais bien comment rendre une femme heureuse sur tous les niveaux. Essaie-moi, tu ne le regretteras pas. I'm a charming mature guy, a professional translator, guitar teacher and professional musician - with lots of humour, life experience and a big heart for dogs. I look, feel and behave much younger than I actually am. And I'm honestly looking for my other half for friendship, love, togetherness and even marriage if we both fall in love. By the way, I've never been married. Maybe you can change this?
35 Bad Mergentheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Deutschland
Suche: Weiblich 24 - 34
I am employed in management consultancy and work part-time. The other part of the day I spend with my two girls. I run some gymnastics and sports events for children here in my village and am otherwise very active outdoors. My children are very important to me, so I have changed to a half-day job. My former partner, the mother of my children, lives 200km away, but we get on quite well so far. She now has a new boyfriend who also has children and we are a very large patchwork family. Five children in total in our PW family, my two live with me. The mother sees them every few weeks at the weekend. I ended up here because I have been separated for three years and have had no luck with relationships in that time. So I'm putting some international impetus here with the premise of finding a life partner for myself here. I am willing to take someone in and find out if a long-term relationship can develop from it. Ich bin in der Unternehmensberatung angestellt und arbeite halbtags. Den anderen Teil des Tages verbringe ich mit meinen zwei Mädels. Ich leite einige Turn und Sportveranstaltungen für Kinder hier bei mir in meinem Dorf und sins ansonsten sehr aktiv draußen unterwegs. Meine Kinder sind mit sehr wichtig, deshalb bin ich in eine halbtstagsstelle gewechselt. Meine ehemalige Partnerin, die Mutter meiner Kinder, wohnt 200KM entfent, aber wir verstehen uns uns soweit ganz gut. Sie hat mittlerweile einen neuen Freund, der ebenfalls Kinder hat und wir sind eine sehr große Patchwork-Familie. Insgesamt fünf Kinder in unserer PW-Familie, meine zwei Leben bei mit. Die Mutter sieht sie alle paar Wochen am Wochenende. Ich bin hier gelandet, da ich schon seit drei Jahren getrennt bin und bisher kein Glück mit Beziehunge in dieser Zeit hatte. Deshalb setze ich hiermit ein paar internationale Impulse, mit der Prämisse hier eine Lebenspartnerin für mich zu finden. Ich bin gerne bereit, jemanden bei mir aufzunehmen und herauszufinden, ob eine langfristige Beziehung daraus entstehen kann.