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Lower Saxony

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27 Lüneburg, Lower Saxony, Deutschland
Suche: Weiblich 18 - 29
I always wanted to be a good family man, but to be honest as older as I get as more suspicious I become. 😂 so children/own children are not necessary. That's why I decided at an early age to work towards a professional position in which I earn enough to give my future family a good financial basis and have more time to enjoy family life. A life of wealth and luxury was and is not seen before. if you are looking for a rich man? please go on! Furthermore, I have worked a lot on my character in order to be a good role model for my future children. For example, I quit smoking, meditate regularly and do various sports. I now react very well to stressful situations, and I'm working on the humor in such situations. In general, peace is very important to me, I don't like it when the woman becomes hysterical. And or not reflect on yourself. Should you be hysterical? please search somewhere else! In addition to personal development, I have dealt theoretically and practically with pedagogy, it has been shown that patience and persistence are the most important things in education. Should you see violence or screaming as a normal parenting method? please search somewhere else! Since I like to behave like a gentleman, I read the corresponding book by Knige, then I realized that there are no longer any ladies. 😂 I can very much like to be a gentleman, but on the condition that I behave in a dignified manner. I can listen well. I don't like it when someone thinks that the world is only about themselves. Are you a person who has no interest in the people below (does not listen / read and do not ask anything)? please search somewhere else! I dealt theoretically and practically with being happy. I am a very happy, childish man, I make a lot of nonsense and fool around. When you are a sad woman? please search somewhere else! I have been involved in psychology for a long time, married and especially observed happy couples (+25 years) and asked what keeps them so happy together. I have also read special books on marriage counseling, my favorite "The Five Love Languages ​​by Gary Chapman". I like to do things correctly, as perfectly as possible, not half measures. I am reliable, smart / analytical, trustworthy / honest, persistent and resilient (I do not understand unnecessary burdens such as fuss, If that happens, don't be surprised when I laugh and make fun of myself) I am very understanding, I will certainly learn to read minds too. Until then, I would be happy if you just talk to me I then try to act accordingly. I am ready to stand up for my wife, no matter what cost. Please do not get into arguments with others too often I pay very close attention to how I talk about my wife. In general, I speak very well of my family.
33 Stade, Lower Saxony, Deutschland
Suche: Weiblich 20 - 35
I am here now, a generous, independent, youthful, intelligent, reliable man! Martial arts teacher, national team, kept me young and healthy! Loyal, honest, hardworking, considerate, loving, affectionate, very versatile, studied, with six learned professions, intend to start a family with a tolerant, life-affirming, humorous Philippina woman, preferably without children, I'll take care of that myself if I want to ! Age between 20 -38 years to get to know! Marriage condition! I believe in God, but I don't like religions! I hate lying and cheating, including statements like, yes, no, maybe, I don't know, these testify to someone who doesn't know what he wants! Even one doesn't work, doesn't exist for me! Anything goes if you just start and want to get it done! Would like to live with my wife, either Calatagan, Cebu or Masbate Island and fall in love with my wife every day. I do what I say and say what I do, no ifs or buts! I am very reliable, responsible, honest, affectionate, cuddly, sincere, loving, generous, attentive, funny, playful, not aggressive, not perverted, fond of children, fond of animals, hardworking, helpful, an almost perfect craftsman in 38 trades! I am an absolute family man, only love my wife, my children, dogs and cats, I can cook quite well as a trained chef, international cuisine, I am a trained sports teacher and mechanical engineer Housing industry and was a very active and successful competitive athlete and businessman. I still have a lot of very unusual hobbies! If you want to know more, just ask me, I have nothing to hide, except my account balance! ;-)))) fewer seek Female 20-38 years, slim 140-170 cm 38-50 kg, attractive to very attractive! Alcohol and smoking, even occasionally, are not an option here! She doesn't have to be able to cook, but be clean and tidy, well-groomed manners, helpful, honest, absolutely loyal, loving, reliable, you s ...
41 Hannover, Lower Saxony, Deutschland
Suche: Weiblich 18 - 65
Mein Name ist Martin und ich bin 41 Jahre alt. Ich bin ein deutscher Mutterbürger. Ich wuchs in Ostdeutschland auf, wohne aber seit 16 Jahren nicht mehr zu Hause. Zuerst im Südwesten nahe der französischen Grenze für meinen Übersetzerkurs. 2008 zog ich nach Mitteldeutschland, in die Stadt Göttingen, das liegt nahe der ehemaligen innerdeutschen Grenze zwischen Ost und West. Göttingen liegt im westlichen Teil. Ich bin diplomierter Übersetzer für Englisch und Russisch und habe auch einen Master in Logistik. Meine Arbeit bezieht sich auf die internationale Frachtschifffahrt. Ich arbeite mit einem Unternehmen zusammen, das Transport- und Lagerdienstleistungen auf Straßen, See und Schienen anbietet, und ich genieße meine Arbeit wirklich. Jetzt kommen wir zu meinen Hobbys. Ich liebe es, zu reisen, interessante Orte für Tagesausflüge zu besuchen, Wanderungen, Natur, Tiere, Bücher zu lesen, Zeitschriften und Zeitungen und interessante Dokumentarfilme und Sportübertragungen im fernsehen. Ich bevorzuge Themen wie Wirtschaft, Politik, Geschichte, Biografien, Wissenschaft und Sport. Ich sehe auch gerne Sportveranstaltungen im fernsehen, vor allem Fußball und Boxen. Meine Persönlichkeit ist gut angepasst, fröhlich, gesprächig, kontaktfreudig, gütig, nicht dumm, tolerant, fair und ehrlich. In einer Beziehung bin ich zu 100 % treu und meiner geliebten Frau verpflichtet. Ich bin auch sehr zärtlich und fürsorglich. Ich überrasche meinen Partner gern. Ich mag lange, inspirierende Gespräche und romantische Abende bei Kerzenlicht, gemeinsame Aktivitäten in unserer Freizeit. Ich möchte ihr ein Lächeln ins Gesicht zaubern und sie mit Dingen wie einem leckeren Abendessen überraschen. Ich bin ein Anfänger im Kochen, aber immer bereit, Neues auszuprobieren. Und ich bin ein hoffnungsloser Romantiker. Ich möchte meine ganze Zeit, meine Aufmerksamkeit, meine Fürsorge, meine Liebe und meine Unterstützung nur einer besonderen Frau geben. Ich brauche und will nicht mit mehreren Frauen gleichzeitig chatten. Ich hoffe, dass du auch das ganze Paket eines Mannes brauchst: Einen besten Freund, Seelenverwandten, geliebten Partner und leidenschaftlichen Liebhaber. Ich bin ein sehr sinnlicher Mensch, leidenschaftlich im Bett und leidenschaftlich für das Leben. Wie Sie sehen, ist mein Leben sehr aktiv und ich sehnte mich nach einer besonderen Frau, die es mit ihr teilt.



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